(For the record, I'm anticipating not being able to sleep out of pure excitement, meaning I'll probably stay up later sober than I would if I just went out and got plastered. But not having that Saturday morning hangover is the CRUX of this plan, and I hardly EVER get to have cruxes.)
PS - Seriously, Breaking Bad is fantastic and I already can see why everyone's been telling me, 'Dude, you're going to LOVE this show!' Quick thoughts [obligatory SPOILERS warning if you've never watched]:
- I think the only thing I don't like about it is all the cancer talk. I find myself unknowingly checking my entire body for lumps while watching and I'm very scared of cancer right now.
- Walter is like a superhero whose power is CHEMISTRY. Part of me wishes that he wore a wig when he was Walter, but went shaved head when he was MR. WHITE, DEFENDER OF THE PERIODIC TABLE OF ASS-KICKING.
- Not gonna lie, that car sex scene outside the high school was the first time in my life I was jealous of someone who owned a Pontiac Aztek. BECAUSE HE WAS GETTIN' AZZ. Oh fuck me that's terrible.
- Did I get a little emotional when Walt Jr. told his dad that he was a pussy and to just die already? YES I DID.
- I'm a little confused how Jesse went from boning some hot blonde to getting a ride from a meth-head with meth-teeth. Perhaps his self-confidence has dwindled?
- My single biggest regret about not watching this show from day one is that I couldn't be the person to make this:
CHICAGO BADGERS: Can I PREEMPTIVELY order my cheese curds right now? Like, ideally, I walk into Will's, there's a table reserved for me, and there's a thing of curds sitting there with a bucket of ranch and a bushel of beer. I'll go so far as to call that PEAK LIFE. So yeah, I'll be at Will's, and if you had half a brain and that half of a brain enjoyed having fun, you'd be there as well.
LAST CALL FOR MUSKY QUEENS: Got a few responses, but this is your last chance: if you're running for Musky Queen, let me know! I will randomly* pick one girl to officially ENDORSE**. This could be you:
*Probably random.
**By 'endorse', I mean ask everyone here to vote for you early and often and create official campaign propaganda for you. I'm not talking about passing out flyers (you can do that if you want), but I'll do my best from the comfort of my keyboard to help you win the GOLDEN MUSKY or whatever it is you get as Musky Queen.
DID YOU VOTE FOR MY PICTURE LAST WEEK? No? Why not?! Literally, 5 seconds of your time. I greatly appreciate it. That's why I like you.
Gameday approaches. LET'S go!