Your questions, my answers. This got long. You've been warned. Let's do this thing.
Jeff W:
What are your top 5 favorite .gifs on the internet? I would assume this is one of them:
While I love me some Chris Farley, I think my top 5 looks a little something like this:
1) Raptors Mascot
The derpy face. The tiny little raptor feet struggling in roller blades. The depressed tail deflating at the end. GIF PERFECTION.
2) Oprah Bees
EASILY the best part is when she puts her hand up and bobs her head up and down while dancing to her right. God that kills me. I don't even remember if that part's from the real video or not. I don't care.
3) Cookie Monster
There's a scene in Knocked Up where Seth Rogan and Paul Rudd are talking about how much Rudd's kids love bubbles, and Rudd says that he'll never love ANYTHING as much as they love bubbles. That's how I feel when I see Cookie Monster here. I know that there's no way I'll ever love anything nearly as much as he loves a giant cookie cake surrounded by perimeter cookies. Mouth agape. Eyes GOOGLY. And look how happy all his friends are for him!
4) Thug City
Just... did not see that coming. If they were on roller blades, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. The skates put me over the edge.
5) The Watermelon Face Crushing Smile
In all honesty, I'm not 100% sure these two were related. I've always assumed those reactions were from the girl destroying her face with a watermelon. So I went ahead and stitched them together with some INTERNET MAGIC. Works for me.
Honorable Mention: Please Just Watch Her Face